Merkaba Meditation and the significance of the Sacred Flower of Life based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Flower of Life & Merkaba Meditation
Join us in this powerful workshop, where we will explore how the Merkaba meditation developed from the sacred geometry of the ancient Flower of Life symbol, which holds the key to every aspect of creation, and the evolution of our consciousness.
We will be using a complex, step-by-step system of 17 breaths to activate the Merkaba, the 55 foot, counter rotating, crystalline energy field of the human light body. This process which incorporates sacred geometric shapes, elevates the consciousness, and helps unify and align the mind, body and the heart.
What: The Merkaba Meditation workshop
When: September 19, 2010
Where: Secrets of Yoga Studio above Hiperfit gym
Time: 11:30 am – 3:30 PM
Facilitator: MarBeth Dunn, M.Ed.
Cost: $35.00